Revelation Resources
Arguably one of the most talked about books in the Bible. A book that’s full of powerful imagery and vivid language. A book that sparks conversations and questions alike. A book that some read merely for hints of the future, but a book that was written to people facing real struggles in their world.
If you’re someone who’s wondering how to even start reading this part of Scripture, below are some resources that have been put together to help you on this journey. They won’t all agree on some of the particulars of how to interpret and approach the apocalypse of Jesus, as John calls this letter. And yet, they do agree on what is essential: Jesus is King. He will return to this earth. Evil will not get the last word. We who have been redeemed will one day stand in a restored creation in the presence of God. And until then? Our God is faithful. Until the glorious day He returns, we fix our eyes on Jesus the figure who towers above all other in this book.
Consider this your invitation into the grand story of God.
My advice? Enter into this humbly. Remember this is apocalyptic literature full of symbols and images. These resources can help with that. Perhaps it would help to hear from devoted Jesus-followers who have a different perspective from the one you grew up with (I know it stretches my thinking from time to time). If this is your first encounter, look around. Listen to people who can respectfully disagree on some of the details even as they agree on the essentials. Ask God to speak to you along the way. He will, so listen well.
Remember also that this was written by a pastor to local churches. Amidst the dramatic scenes are words of encouragement and warning for what they are facing in that moment. Could it be that God is also saying something to us about what we’re facing today, even as we look towards tomorrow?
Stay focused on the big themes. Notice the constant warnings about idolatry. The promise of God’s protection. The echoes of worship. The blessings for those who are faithful. The reality of evil, but the victory of our resurrected Savior. The hope of eternity with God. The triumph of Jesus at every turn.
And He shall reign forever and ever.
The Day of the Lord
The Bible Project
Revelation Chapters 1-11
The Bible Project
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