A Letter to Church Communication Teams
This last year has been a challenge for anyone working the world of communications. Thank you for the way you serve and champion other ministries. Thank you for starting chain reactions of hope.
Word of the Year
What word sums up best what you think of this past year and its unexpected storms? What word are you clinging to as we head into a new year?
Pursuing Peace
What does it sound like to pray for the peace, the welfare, the blessed wholeness, of the city where you’re currently living? Here are 5 guided prayers to help get you started.
Nourish Your Soul
Soul nourishment. 15 verses from Scripture to read, meditate on, and pray through during the election.
Our VUCA World
There has never been a more pivotal moment in our lifetimes to reflect love. This is when the people of God can rise up to the challenge differently.
Answered Prayer
This is our prayer—both close to home and far away—that we begin to live out what Jesus longed for on the night of his betrayal. When we vow to work together as one the words of John 17 become an [...]
On the Edge
Have you ever tried praying for someone that you don’t fully understand or maybe don’t even agree with fully? The first step is to start by listening.
Skip the Fruit Loops
How about if instead of settling for an imitation, we choose to live the abundant spiritual life we were created for?
Beauty of Worship
Whatever the next steps are for me, for others, for us, it will include the intentional and sometimes spontaneous acts of beauty found in the worship of our eternal God.