0 12 By Greg Holder In Blog, List, ResourcesPosted February 20, 2021Grieving with HopeA list of resources for anyone who is navigating grief. READ MORE
1 18 By Greg Holder In Blog, Devotional, List, ResourcesPosted February 19, 2021Near to the BrokenheartedA list of encouraging Scriptures to read and pray through while experiencing grief and loss. READ MORE
0 20 By Greg Holder In BlogPosted February 15, 2021Encourage One AnotherOf all the things we could do, I think starting a movement of encouraging one another makes so much sense these days. READ MORE
0 10 By Greg Holder In Blog, List, ResourcesPosted February 15, 2021Black History Month Reading ListIn recognition of Black History Month, here is a reading list of 17 books from a variety of authors. READ MORE