This is our prayer—both close to home and far away—that we begin to live out what Jesus longed for on the night of his betrayal. When we vow to work together as one the words of John 17 become an [...]
It’s hard to explain how shocking it was. It was as if God spoke to my heart through that little boy...And thanks to those two words, I now had the rest of the flight to think and pray about that.
To assume you can only focus on the goal in front of you without ever paying mind to all that’s happening around you is not only foolish but also dangerous. And that brings us to the topic of culture.
I want to tell you a story. A story of how God taught me about the physical, tangible, flesh and blood presence of somebody walking with me through trouble.
But first, let’s go back to the [...]
One night in Managua, Nicaragua, it was my honor to stay in the home of a very generous family in an extremely impoverished part of the city. The meal my host served of black beans and warm [...]
We could learn from the experts on this topic. You know, on the topic of wonder.
We could learn from those who are still surprised and amazed on a regular basis. The, well, not-old. Kids. [...]