God physically entered the mess of our world. This is how he makes things right. This is how he makes things new. And this is how he reminds us that we are not alone. This is the beauty of the [...]
Our world feels broken, divisive, unsettled, and loud. Many of us find ourselves pulling away from conversations and community. We retreat back to our tribes to feel safe, to feel heard, to feel [...]
I want to tell you a story. A story of how God taught me about the physical, tangible, flesh and blood presence of somebody walking with me through trouble.
But first, let’s go back to the [...]
Scripture is filled with poetic action language describing the Christian life. Press on. Strain toward. Take hold. Follow in His steps. And do it with all your might.
Take a stroll with me down memory-lane, will you? Depending on your age, these will hit you differently. These are (ready for it?) highlights from the top Christmas gift-crazes since the 80’s.
We could learn from the experts on this topic. You know, on the topic of wonder.
We could learn from those who are still surprised and amazed on a regular basis. The, well, not-old. Kids. [...]