This is our prayer—both close to home and far away—that we begin to live out what Jesus longed for on the night of his betrayal. When we vow to work together as one the words of John 17 become an [...]
Whatever the next steps are for me, for others, for us, it will include the intentional and sometimes spontaneous acts of beauty found in the worship of our eternal God.
It’s hard to explain how shocking it was. It was as if God spoke to my heart through that little boy...And thanks to those two words, I now had the rest of the flight to think and pray about that.
The Advent Conspiracy movement started small—just a handful of churches who would try this experiment and make the story personal again. The news spread quickly, resources were created, and along [...]
A few years back I was asked, along with some other authors, to express my thanks to the inestimable Eugene Peterson. Today as I reflect on his life, I am once again reminded of the legacy Eugene [...]